What Can Life Coaching
Do for You in Your Life?

I coach people like you to come back home to their own laughter, their own joy, and to discover novel ways to refresh after burnout. To feel whole and energized again. My strategies may be things you’ve never heard of and uncover joy in you that’s been hidden for years.
I’d love to help you remember that feeling good, really good is possible, even if you can’t remember the last time you had to yourself.
If you see yourself in this, let’s have a free-30 minute chat where you can set down some of that weight you’ve been carrying and I can help you see new ways to lighten it. Let’s get your laughter back; it really can be easier. I promise.
This is your friendly, bubble-wrapped invitation to chat with me!
Find out more, chat with me, ask questions in your free introductory session:

You’ve been adulting really hard. Too hard, too fast, with too much on your plate. You feel stretched thin, breakable. And y'know, there's still a pandemic. (insert nails on chalkboard sound here... Eeek!)
Once upon a time you laughed and joked with friends. You would love to return to the joyful person you used to be. But, with all of your responsibilities and with all of the crazy in the world, sometimes self-care feels selfish and laughter feels childish.
Your laughter and your sense of humor can guide you and be a delicious way to change your life. It is an incredible superpower to keep you fueled for your life, to create what you really want.